Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Is Risen

He is Risen. He is risen indeed! Happy Easter Day to you and yours. We serve a Risen Saviour-Oh Happy Day!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Double Digit Danger!

Today is my son's 10th birthday! I can't believe that 10 years ago today we were in the hospital wondering what in the world we had gotten into! He was bright-eyed and ready to party at birth and he is still that way today. The boy has two speeds "on" and "off"!
Right now he is hosting 3 other 10 year boys for a birthday sleepover. Not sure how many brian cells died before we made that decision. Check with us in the morning to see if we made it through! Or rather...Dad made it through. I plan on hiding outside with the little sibling! :)