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Have you ever been to Build-A-Bear? After avoiding this seemingless new "rite of passage" for a few years, a friend gave Note 1 and Note 2 gift cards to this institution. With a five dollar off coupon if you spent $25.00 or more, I knew we were in for not only the stuffed animal but a cute outfit to match. After being "iced in" last Friday, Mr. Tuneful and I decided a trip to the mall to use the coupons would be in order...before the Notes and I could clash anymore!
Upon entering the aforementioned store we were faced with the "decision"...which animal to stuff? So many to choose; so little time and only so much gift card! After that decision we chose outfits complete with shoes and/or slippers and then the PROCESS began...visit the stuffing machine, kiss the heart and put a little heart in the bear...then a bath (which was adorable to see the NOTES brushing out their new friends! Then came the dressing room where Mr. Tuneful got into the action by helping Note 1 dress his bear. Finally, we named the animals and printed out the birth certificates! Whew! Actually it was quite fun. I told Mr. Tuneful that I might like to get one too...he gave me a look like "you're not serious" and headed for the door! Although I may become a secret "build-a-bear" consumer and find reasons for the Notes to go "build" another! :)
Without further ado...please meet and welcome our two newest additions to the family...MAX the soccer star and SARA the pink spotted Leopard.
Hello all....Mrs. Tuneful is checking in with a weather report or not...I admit it I am a weather junkie. This winter thing has been interesting this year as weather bugs on tv and blog land have been trying to call it right! With today's computer technology they seem to be able to predict the exact second of the first snowflake! I find myself looking out the window trying to see if they called it correctly! Of course the teacher in me always hopes for that glorious SNOW DAY! Do you remember those as a kid? LOVED those! I know my SISTA over at Jillian's Pages is not a big fan of snow but I do have a soft spot for it! Well then, I am off to wake up my lovely children, Note 1 and Note 2~for our hopefully last day of school this week! Happy Winter for a few more weeks I think!
Returning from a day trip away with Mr. Tuneful I opened my blog to discover my beautiful banner and some comments. This is fun! I LOVE THE BANNER! Thank you ladies! Off to get some sleep as I will be singing at church in the early morning!Sweet dreams!Mrs. Tuneful
Wow! I have my own blog! Who who have thought? Thanks to my blogging Sista I am now part of the blog land. Now I just have to learn how to text message! Please join me as I blog about life here in the fast lane of family, music and how sweet it is!