It's been awhile since I've blogged as it were. I noticed my last entry was last APRIL! Mrs. Tuneful and family have been quite busy! But....
School has begun and my Note 2 has been enjoying Kindergarten. She has been learning lots of new things as all new kinders do. Her favorite new thing is snapping her fingers! Do you remember when you learned to do that? It's quite an accomplishment for any youngster when they learn to snap their fingers loud enough to be heard!
Of course Note 2 is not just happy about being able to snap and let it go. Oh no....we snap in people's ears to prove we can snap...we snap at Mrs. Mom Tuneful when we disagree with her and so on!!! Perhaps she has learned too well the "snapping" secret.
You know the one...where you are on the phone and suddenly children appear from wherever they were to make noise or need something? You know when you start snapping and sending them out of the room with wild facial expressions???
Now that Note 2 has the snapping down I am not the only one to say "Snap to it!" Although we may have a few discussions on who does the "snapping too!"
I just hope she doesn't learn to whistle!