Monday, May 2, 2011


I love to do puzzles.

For some it is a futile exercise but to me it is a relaxing pastime.

I think the March and April rains encouraged me to break out the puzzles. Since my kitchen remodel I have a rather large countertop which is perfect to work puzzles and leave them so others can add to the picture when they pass by.

So far we have completed a 300 piece over size Ivory Cat puzzle which all the family enjoyed. We had so much fun that I went in search of other puzzles we have that we have not attempted. I found one that looked doable. A 500 piece beautiful watercolor of two children....

Two weeks later I finally added the final piece! This was a rather difficult one due to the varying greens, grays, whites and blues! I was left alone to the task for most of the work until I began to get to the end and then I suddenly had many helpers! BUT my rule is the one who does the most work gets to place the last piece!

I get a lot of thinking done when I do puzzles. There is something satisfying about feeling that right piece fit perfectly into it's spot. And you always know when it doesn't EVEN if it looks like it should!

Hmmm...a lot like life don't you think? Someone once said we all have a missing piece that longs for God- a God-shaped space if you will. When that piece is in isn't so puzzling.

My new challenge? A Disney puzzle I picked up a couple of years straight edges. Anyone care to join me?

Mama Tunes


Ms.Daisy said...

Hey Mama Tunes,
I used to like doing puzzles too, got out of the habit. Though lately, I've become attracted to them whenever I see them in a store or at a flea market. Wonder what that means? I like the analogy of the "God piece" in our lives too. Good one!


Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

I also like puzzles but we just don't seem to be the puzzle type around here...leaves me quite puzzled!

I really enjoyed the philosophical side of Mama tunes today...and the piece of the puzzle for God.

Thanks for sharing!