Thursday, April 14, 2011

To wheat or not to wheat, that is the question...

Have you noticed lately there is a not so secret campaign against white flour? I'm all for healthier eating like having an extra piece of fruit and possibly some wheat bread, but do you really need to mess with my pasta?

I tried some last night on my kids acting like it was totally normal "bad for you" WHITE flour pasta- (the kind my great-grandmother used for YEARS). can't fool children as my son immediately noticed the difference and pushed his plate away in disgust. Well...he usually does that with just about everything but this time I messed with his pasta! Of which he is a conniseur. He can even tell if it's NOT from the blue box...

My daughter was eating away and loving it. She just loves bow-tie pasta. And of all of us she is the most healthy eater. I added some alfredo sauce with mine and I have to say the sauce did not disguise the bland, chewier imposter of our beloved pasta.

Wheat pasta you are dead to us.

Viva la white flour!



Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

I know what you mean!!!! Wheat pasta is not my favorite either. On occasion, (I am trying to get rid of a box) I make it and Dear Bebe has not noticed yet.

Ms.Daisy said...

I am not a fan of any of the colorful types of pasta! Give me the pasta of my Italian heritage and I'm a happy camper! I've eaten white flour all my 70 years and so far, I'm not showing any signs of it slowing me down! LOL!